Monday, May 5, 2014

Geek Memes

I'll admit it, I'm a pinterest addict. I've got around six boards, all with upwards of twenty pins on each. That being said, my favorite thing about pinterest has to be the memes and GIFs. So, for your viewing pleasure, I have compiled a post of my favorite geek memes, including Doctor Who, Sherlock, and cats (of course!). So finish your drink, and chew your food well, because your about to indulge in a hearty laugh!

.I love this just a little bit too much.  Molly, Sherlock, and John show what they're made of
    Basically   XD This is too hilarious! (And I would totally buy this CD...)... I love how John is holding Sherlock and Moriarty like they are two unruly little kids."You're a drama queen!" - ImgurCAN THIS PLEASE HAPPEN
What Does the Doc Say?Doofenshmirtz asking the questions that really matter. - Funny Stuff | Putting a smile on your face.
All the incarnations of Doctor Who as cats. Might help explain why I love Nine so much.



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